The Oil of Forgiveness

It will happen sooner or later. Somebody we know, and trust, will mess up. They’ll fall short of an acceptable standard of conduct and thrust those of us who know them into the fray. What will we do?

I suppose our natural reaction when somebody messes up is to pile up. We say, “I knew this was going to happen,” or “There was something about him that made him suspect to me.” However, when we do this we most often compound the guilt of the stumbler and we abdicate our Christian responsibility to be a healer.

In making such post-mortems about brothers and sisters who fail we find we’re living a contradiction. How can we sincerely pray the Lord’s Prayer if we’re not forgiving people? We pray, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” And remember Jesus gave a pretty disturbing footnote at the end of the prayer emphasizing that lack of forgiveness means we have no right to expect God’s forgiveness in our lives.

The Bible reminds us that the process of forgiveness began with God. He trampled our sins beneath his feet and hurled them into the deepest ocean (Micah 7:19). Then he exhorts us to forgive ourselves, refusing to wrap ourselves in a blanket of self-loathing, and then to offer forgiveness to others.

Timothy Pickering rose in rank to general in the Revolutionary War. He went on to serve three cabinet positions under Presidents Washington and Adams until Adams fired him. David McCullough in his excellent “John Adams” wrote a memorable phrase: “Adams and Pickering hate each other with the utmost cordiality.”

When I read that phrase I thought, that’s how we do it in church! We harbor animosity in our hearts toward our spiritual family, but we do it cordially. We smile sweetly when we pass them in the hallway!

Years ago, I was driving home from a trip and decided to stop for my next scheduled oil change at a tire store I frequented. En route home the check engine light came on and the engine died. Literally. The technician failed to tighten the oil filter and all the oil spilled out on the drive home. The car was useless and the company had to rebuild my engine.

Just as oil prevents friction in the car engine, so forgiveness prevents friction in our spiritual family. We’re human, and we often do things we shouldn’t or say things we shouldn’t. Friction occurs. The oil of forgiveness helps keep relationships intact.

Members of Christian congregations have a responsibility to heed the admonition of the psalmist: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).

Choosing To Be Generous Or Selfish

The Kingston Trio recorded their song, "MTA," in 1962. I always thought it a great sing-a-long, but never knew the story until visiting Boston a few years back.

The legend is that Charlie boarded the MTA subway system after paying his nickel fare. However, the rate was raised another nickel while he was en route. Since he either didn't have the nickel or refused to pay it, Charlie "may ride forever 'neath the streets of Boston," as the "man who never returned."

The subway pass in Boston is still called the Charlie Card in his honor.

Too cheap to come up with another nickel? I’ve met a few folk like this along the way. Among them was the pastor search committee who showed up unannounced one Sunday. The chairman asked if they could talk with me a few minutes after worship and I agreed to the request. As they prepared to go, the chairman told me they'd confer and decide if they wanted to talk with me again.

"If we decide it's not God's will that we talk with you further," he said, "then you won't hear from me. That way we'll save the church the expense of a long distance call."

The idea that a 35-cent phone call was too much to spend in order to show common courtesy is beyond my understanding.

And then there was Earl. Earl was a good man who loved the Lord. He didn't seem to mind the church asking for people's money, but he didn't want the church to spend it. Earl served on the finance committee one year, and it was one of the worst years I ever had as a pastor. Earl's constant refrain was "I'm against it," and we either had to let it lie or outvote him and make him more determined the next time.

We convinced Earl one month that we needed to buy a new copy machine since the old one died. We had several bids and Earl reluctantly suggested we buy the "American" one. The rest of us knew that all copiers at the time came from Japan, but we kept this to ourselves, agreed with Earl and bought the new copier!

Surely the church can find balance between being cheap and being spendthrift. We must be accountable, to be sure, but we must be compassionate.

How can a church's bank balance multiply every month when we live in a world of overpowering need?

As an evangelist friend of mine used to tell congregations during his revival meetings, "Why do you want to pile up money for the Antichrist to spend after the rapture?"

We Must Pray for Our Leaders

It was in 1992 that I attended a Christian Citizenship Conference in our nation's capital. We had a prayer breakfast one morning superintended by the late Richard Halverson, at the time the chaplain of the U.S. Senate. The chaplain had invited two Southern Baptist senators to speak that morning: Trent Lott of Mississippi and Al Gore of Tennessee. We couldn't have known at the time that Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas would tap Sen. Gore as his vice-presidential running mate later that year.

Chaplain Halverson read from Paul's first letter to Timothy: "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings and for all that are in authority . . ." (1Tim. 2:1-2).

Halverson said he was most often a guest in various churches on Sundays and rarely heard a prayer offered for the nation's leaders.

"One of the gravest failures of our American churches is our failure to obey the scripture and pray for our leaders," he said. "We sin against God when we don't pray for our president and other elected officials."

I took his word to heart and began to follow his counsel.

It's interesting that the leader when Paul wrote was Nero, one of the vilest men to ever rule Rome. Nero murdered his mother and is believed to have murdered two wives. He blamed Christians when Rome burned and he sponsored the first widespread persecution of the church. It is believed both Paul and Peter died at the hands of Nero.

Yet, Paul said to pray for Nero.

Some seniors helped me years ago when the Gulf War was beginning. At a fellowship lunch I asked them how they prayed during World War II. They said they prayed for their husbands and sons, to be sure, and for the war to end soon.

"What about Hitler?" I asked.

"Yes, we prayed for him that God would change his heart and stop his murderous intentions," they replied.

No matter who our leaders are, and whether they have our political support or not, we're exhorted to pray for them. We ask God's protection, wisdom and humbling grace.

I think Paul would expand his thoughts if he were writing today. He was a Roman citizen, but he had no right to vote. The Caesar was selected by family patronage and the army; then he chose other officials. But American Christians are entitled citizens who enjoy the most basic of civil rights--the right to vote.

Praying is forbidden in many places, but it's not forbidden in the polling place! Americans can and should be wrapped in the spirit of prayer whenever we go to vote.

Statues of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to celebrate our first 100 years of independence. Lady Liberty is 305 feet tall--the height of a 22 story building. It arrived by ship in 214 crates and was painstakingly constructed in New York harbor.

Many of us remember the rededication of the monument in 1986. Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca headed an effort to raise money for extensive reworking. President Reagan superintended the ceremony of rededication. He lauded the American republic that is represented by the statue as a nation of "peace and freedom and hope."

Lady Liberty's arm clutches a tablet proclaiming a significant date in Roman numerals: July 4, 1776. This is the day the Declaration of Independence was read publicly for the first time in Philadelphia. The 56 signers of the document knew their act brought them into conflict with the British crown, and many paid dearly for their daring.

The recent HBO series, "John Adams," offered a fine re-telling of the heroism of Adams, a forgotten patriot. Adams was a diplomat, not a soldier, and he spent most of the war years in Europe trying to muster support for the colonies. He pleaded for more ships from France and loans from the Dutch and was often rebuffed. Still Adams persevered.

"Thanks to God that he gave me stubbornness when I know I am right," he said.

This week we celebrate our 241st birthday as a free and independent nation. The freedom we've received, however, is fragile, and must be diligently maintained.

As Adams noted, "Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives."

For the Christian, the cross is another statue of liberty. The cross of Calvary yet stands as the centerpiece of history representing the greatest act of love the world's ever known.

The cross speaks of freedom from sin. The Bible insists "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:10). But the cross tells us that God made the sinless one to be sin for us, that we might be made right in his presence (1 Corinthians 5:21). Scripture labels Christians "justified." This is a courtroom word that means "not guilty." God, through Christ, will pronounce us "not guilty" at the final judgment.

The cross also speaks of freedom from selfishness. We humans are naturally egocentric, caring for ourselves most of all.

Someone noted that when we're wrapped up in ourselves, we're a very small package!

Christ changes our focus so that we see people around us with new vision. We realize we're responsible to minister to and serve others in his name as our finest witness to the world.

The Depth of God's Love

One of the most heartbreaking stories in the Old Testament is the story of Hosea. He’s been described as a gentleman farmer called of God to speak to the rebellious people of Israel. But Hosea’s message wasn’t just a sermon in the temple; his message came from his house.

Biblical scholars wrestle with the strange command of God that Hosea marry a prostitute. Does this mean that Gomer was a cult priestess in the immoral worship of Baal? Or does this mean that since the entire nation had left the Lord and were living in spiritual adultery, that she was just like everybody else? We’re not sure, but this union was bound to bring misfortune.

Hosea and Gomer had three children whose names were symbolic in the prophet’s preaching. But inexplicably, Gomer abandoned her husband and her children. She perhaps went back to the cult of Baal, or she went away with another man. Hosea became a single parent, though not by choice.

Twelve million families in America are headed by a single parent, which means one in four children don’t live with two parents. Single parents take on added responsibility. Hosea alone taught his two sons to be godly men and taught his daughter how to be a woman of faith.

Then the command came from God to find Gomer and bring her home. He found her in the slave market. Perhaps she fell into debt and was being sold to eradicate her debts, or maybe she was just used up by her former lover and good for nothing else than slavery. Hosea purchased her and restored her as his wife and as the mother of his children.

All his Israelite friends and neighbors said, “Look at Hosea. He was shamed but he didn’t give up on Gomer.” And Hosea said, “Don’t look at me. Look at God. You’ve turned from him, but he loves you still.”

In this regard, Hosea’s life was a type, or a picture, of God’s greater love for his people.

Through his prophet, God said, “my heart is turned within me. I will not execute the fierceness of my anger, I will not return to destroy, for I am God and not man” (Hosea 11: 8-9).

Here is one of the great phrases and deep spiritual truths in the Bible: “I am God and not man.”

Martin Luther once remarked, “If I were as the Lord God, I would knock the world in pieces.”

Fortunately, Luther wasn’t God!

The God of the Bible, as it were, lives in heartbreak while his children live in disobedience to him, and he’s restless until we repent and claim our rightful position of sonship with the heavenly father.

On Marching In Step

It was a moment we’ve tried for many years to live down. The entire Minor High School Marching Tiger band was out of step.

It really wasn’t our fault. We normally marched to 4/4 or common time and this was easy: left, right, left, right. But our band director decided we should play and march to the “Mission Impossible” theme whose time signature is 5/4. I was in the drumline and our job was to keep the rhythm moving, but even we percussionists found it impossible to march to “Mission Impossible.” Our director finally threw in the towel.

The Apostle Paul discussed some “haustafel,” or “house rules,” as our German friends would say, in 1 Thessalonians. He explained that if we’re in God’s house, the church, we have a special responsibility to treat one another with respect and kindness. Part of that responsibility is to warn those who are unruly (5:14). Greek teacher John Polhill explained unruly literally means disorderly or out of step. When Christians get out of step, it’s the responsibility of the church to encourage them to get back in step with kingdom work.

I’m convinced we all get out of step sometimes. I recall several times when I urged deacons to do ministry a certain way and they demurred, suggesting another way might be better. Normally they had the experience of being in the church longer than me and knowing the people better. But I would pout a bit when I didn’t get my way. But the men were gracious when I came to my senses and said, “I was wrong and you were right.”

And I’ve known many people over the years who got out of step due to personal relationships that went sour.

One biographer of President Clinton noted that the former president is gracious and out-going. If he were in a room of 100 people and was told “somebody here doesn’t like you,” it would be his mission to find that person and win them as his friend. Now psychology would say this might be due to his being a son of an alcoholic father or the like, but I think this is a great mindset for every Christian. It should be our goal to befriend everybody in our church! We are family and need to live in harmony as the people of God.

No one enjoys confrontation, but sometimes it’s required of church leaders to go to some who are out of step and encourage them to get in step. We do so not haughtily, but with humility and with love. Our mindset must be that everyone is salvageable and our spiritual family will be better when we live in harmony.

Sometimes I'm Up, Sometimes I'm Down

The National Spelling Bee is upon us, and Google did some research in honor of the event.

According to “The Washington Post,” Google found the most “how to spell” searches this spring from each of the 50 states, and compiled a list of the most troublesome words in the country. The most researched word for Alabama, Michigan and Washington is “pneumonia.” In Pennsylvania, it’s “sauerkraut.” In South Carolina, it’s “chihuahua.” Indiana Hoosiers are more spiritual since they search most often for “hallelujah.” And the most puzzling search is from Louisiana where natives want to know how to spell “giraffe,” which unlike the armadillo, isn’t a native species.

I was always a good speller and helped the boys in my class win in third grade. The boys were disqualified early on and I was left to spell down the girls, which I did. The boys held me in the air and cheered since “we” won. I was over-confident the next time and had to sit down after the first word. I’m ashamed to say that the word was “baby,” and I spelled it b-a-b-b-y.

As the old spiritual says, “Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down.”

I suppose my experience is a parable of life, for I’ve been up and down many times in circumstances more critical than third-grade spelling.

One of the most encouraging things about scripture is that it forthrightly explains all facets in the lives of its heroes. For example, Joseph in the Old Testament “brought an evil report” about his brothers; in other words, he was a tattletale (Genesis 37:2). Dr. Clyde Francisco used to tell of a Sunday School pupil who pointed this out and said it wasn’t right, but whose teacher insisted if Joseph did it, it must be good!  Francisco said that character failure is wrong no matter who the character is.

And the flawed hero list includes David, Samson, Jonah, Peter and Paul and others.

These were real flesh-and-blood people who sometimes allowed the spirit of God to use them, and sometimes rebelled.

In fact, someone insisted this is one reason we know the Bible is inspired—it tells the unvarnished truth about its characters.

But the best news of scripture is that the God revealed there is merciful and offers forgiveness.

A minister who stumbled found himself at a restoration event at his denomination’s headquarters in another state. The conference leader took him one day to see some framed artwork near the chapel. The artwork had been used in Bible study material over the years. The leader said, “I know this is just an artist’s rendering, but look at the joy on the face of the father when he embraced the returning prodigal!”

Seniors Benefit Immensely from Church Attendance by Jason Lewis

Researchers have shown that religious affiliation and worship attendance both increase with age. According to the research, religion becomes more meaningful and important as we age. This is significant because church can be utilized not only to help seniors stay connected with their faith, but to also help them stay connected with their community and other people, as well as increase their physical activity.

Connecting with their Communities

Seniors who attend church feel connected with others who share a similar faith. They have a chance to socialize with these people during church services and other church-related activities. The church community also offers a support system that can help seniors through tough times, such as an illness or the loss of a friend or spouse. Some churches will help seniors through a tough financial patch by donating funds or cooking meals for them. Other churches may provide home repairs, such as building a wheelchair ramp or fixing a leaky faucet.

One study found a positive association between religion and life satisfaction. Thanks to the sense of belonging they feel, those who regularly attend church have an improvement in mood. They also report that being a part of a religious community helps them form new friendships and remain socially active. As noted in the study, other nonreligious social networks exist, but churches are unique in their large scale and membership attendance, resulting in ample opportunities for seniors to engage with others.

Psychological Benefits

Studies have demonstrated that individuals with higher levels of religious involvement have lower rates of abuse and addiction, and those who have struggled with addiction are more likely to find long-lasting success through religious involvement. The more a person is involved in religious activities, the less likely he or she is to smoke cigarettes or abuse alcohol. Likewise, as religious activities increase for recovering addicts, their rates of abuse decrease. Regardless of whether the religion prohibits the use of alcohol, there is still evidence that practicing religion can lead to avoidance or moderate use of alcohol. Similarly, religious practice tends to result in a reduction of substance abuse.

Greater religious involvement also results in increased happiness, life satisfaction, morale, and an overall sense of well-being. It’s also associated with having greater hope and a greater sense of purpose in life. Higher levels of attendance of religious services reduces stress levels, leads to increased self-esteem, and enhances coping skills. All of these life improvements help to protect against depression, a common issue with the senior population.

Physical Benefits

Being physically active provides many benefits, including increasing flexibility and strengthening the heart, lungs, and muscles. It also helps reduce depression and anxiety. Furthermore, being active makes everyday activities – such as climbing the stairs, shopping for groceries, and visiting with family and friends – easier to manage.

For most people, a brisk walk or yard work is enough to be considered moderate physical activity. While attending church may not seem like it would fit the bill, it can help seniors engage in moderate physical activity. For starters, attending a service or event requires the person to get up and get ready, which means they’ll be moving about. The individual will also walk from the car to the church and from the front steps to his or her seat. Once the service is over, seniors can go for a walk to get more exercise.

Churches typically offer group activities for seniors. Some groups meet monthly and involve activities that are enjoyable, such as mini golf, bowling, or dancing classes. Other groups can be more focused, such as a group that meets to cook and deliver meals to those in need. Not only do the groups offer a way for seniors to move about, but they also allow seniors to engage with church members outside of the church services, which provides more opportunities to have a conversation and connect.

Seniors benefit from church attendance in a variety of ways. They have a chance to socialize with people of all ages and feel a sense of purpose. They benefit both physically and psychologically from attending services, events, and activities offered through the church. All of these positive relations result in a happier and longer life.

On Remembering

It’s among the shortest verses in the New Testament, and it’s also filled with some mystery. Jesus said, “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). Mrs. Lot is a minor figure in the Old Testament. We don’t even know her name. We only know she looked back at the burning Sodom and died.

Some believe this word is about disobedience; that is, God told Lot’s family not to look back and that’s all we need to know. In this regard, it would be like our first parents in Eden who were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We don’t know exactly why, other than it was a matter of obedience to God.

Others see this as a warning about second thoughts. This interpretation is that Mrs. Lot looked back with sadness. She left Sodom, but Sodom was in her heart. This is akin to Jesus’ word about putting our hand to the plow and refusing to look back.

We should remember many things, including those whose fingerprints are on our souls. So many men and women invested themselves in us by being patient and teaching us about life.

I recall teachers in junior and high school who did this for me. Mrs. Carlotta taught me to love history and Miss Petty taught me to love good grammar and good literature. Dr. W.T. Edwards taught us Greek at Samford University. We’d say, “Dr. Edwards, this material’s over our heads!” He’d reply, “Boys, raise your heads.”

I had Sunday School teachers who taught me to love scripture. I’ve never met a Sunday School teacher who was paid. These men and women volunteer to study the Bible and communicate its great truths to us week by week.

I remember godly deacons and pastors who loved me and encouraged me to find God’s will for my life. These men would sacrifice anything to support the youth ministry, and this is true in most churches. And deacons were always in their place as helpers to our pastors.

A man in a pensive mood thought of a favorite teacher in high school. He found her address, took pen and paper and sent her a note of gratitude. A few days later he discovered a letter in his mailbox with a familiar penmanship.

“Dear William,” she wrote. “Your note came on a cold, dreary day, and cheered me as nothing else had done in so long. You’ll be interested to know that in my 40 years of teaching, yours is the only note of appreciation I’ve ever received.”

Many of us are fortunate to have some folk around who invested in us. Perhaps we ought to take time to say thanks.

A Basket of Deplorables

We’re taught not to identify people with potentially hurtful descriptions nowadays, such as “she’s blonde,” or “he’s got a big nose.” It’s interesting that one of Israel’s judges, Ehud, was identified as left-handed. This is unusual since many ancient people thought left-handedness was a physical imperfection.

The French word, gauche, has come into our English usage to describe one who is uncultured or socially awkward. The word literally means “left,” and the implication is that a leftie is awkward or even nefarious. As I remind my left-handed friends, Jack the Ripper was a leftie.

Well, all in good fun. Ten percent of us are lefties, and this group claims such notables as seven U.S. presidents, Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Ringo Starr and Bart Simpson!

God used Ehud’s left-handedness to deliver Israel from the cruel dictator Eglon of Moab. The story is told in Judges 3.

The Bible is filled with stories of others who likewise had imperfections. Think of Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samson, Saul and Peter. Even Billy Graham raised a prodigal son until Franklin was thoroughly converted at age 22.

The truth is that all of us have imperfections. There’s no such thing as a perfect servant of God. To quote a well-known politician, we’re all a basket of deplorables.

But our imperfections aren’t surprising to God. It’s interesting that we often respond to God’s call to serve with excuses. “Lord, you don’t understand. I have a problem. It’s (fill in the blank).” The very idea that we think we’re informing God about something he doesn’t know! He’s the one who made us and knows us intimately.

And this is true in confession as well. When we confess sin, he doesn’t say “Really?”; he says, “Finally. You’re being honest.”

But it’s also true that God’s promise is to invest in his willing servants so that we’re equipped for ministry. Paul wrote, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Like a hand in a glove enables the glove to be used effectively for its purpose, so Christ in us equips us needy sinners to serve him with effectiveness.

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Presidents' Day was established to honor George Washington, and later to honor both Washington and Lincoln whose birthdays are in February. There isn't general agreement on whether the holiday honors two presidents or all of them.

I admire another president whose birthday is likewise in February. Feb. 6 was Ronald Reagan's 106th birthday. I've met three U.S. presidents but never got to meet Reagan. The closest I got was visiting the Reagan Library and the former president's gravesite.

Reagan displayed great courage on March 31, 1981 when he sustained a gunshot wound. The actual X-ray is displayed at the library and one can see the bullet lodged one inch from the president's heart. The alert Secret Service agent saw the president's lips turning blue, knew this was indication of bleeding in his lungs and ordered the limo to speed to George Washington Hospital in the nation's capital.

Reagan spurned the waiting wheelchair believing walking into the building on his own power was important for the nation. As aide Michael Deaver wrote, the president "hitched up" his trousers, straightened his tie, threw back his shoulders and walked into the hospital before fainting inside due to shock and blood loss.

It was a moment of great triumph less than a month later when Reagan addressed the nation from the U.S House of Representatives. He'd stared death in the face and walked away.

Deaver said that the president was unusually pensive one day during a hospital visit. "I began to pray for Jim [Brady] and Tim [Delahanty], but I realized if I had peace, I'd need to pray for the boy who shot us, too."

Reagan joined a select group of notable forgivers.

After the attempt on Reagan's life in March, Pope John Paul II was shot in the Vatican in May. It's well-known that the pope visited his would-be assassin in prison and prayed with him two years later. A recent memoir revealed that en route to the hospital the pope prayed his forgiveness for the man who shot him.

John F. Kennedy Jr. interviewed former Alabama governor George Wallace in the inaugural issue of "George" magazine. Kennedy asked Wallace his feeling toward Arthur Bremer--the would-be assassin who put him in a wheelchair.

"I never hated him at all," Wallace said. "In fact, I prayed for him--let God touch him, forgive his sins."

Courageous stories like these shame the rest of us who so often nurse grudges and harbor animosities toward those who hurt us. The apostle Paul declared that we're to forgive others just as God forgave us (Ephesians 4:32). We can be grateful that God doesn't harbor grudges but is merciful to us sinners.

Superman Vs. Clark Kent

Superman was my boyhood hero. After all, he was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. We all know, however, that he had a weakness. The Planet Krypton, where he was born, imploded, and the resulting kryptonite fragments transformed the man of steel into Clark Kent.

It’s striking that the first two Supermen were felled as if by kryptonite.

George Reeves was the Superman of my boyhood. He filmed 104 TV episodes, and then died of suicide at age 45. Christopher Reeve was the Superman of the 70s and 80s, making four appearances at the man from Krypton. Reeve was paralyzed in 1995 and died in 2004 at age 52.

I’ve always thought of the Apostle Paul as a spiritual Superman. He was indefatigable and a “tramp for the Lord” many years before Corrie ten Boom claimed the title. He was unafraid when drug before councils of inquisition and joyful as he faced death. But Paul sounds more like Clark Kent in Romans 7: “For the good that I would I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do” (v. 19, KJV).

Paul understood that his sin nature, or “old man,” continued to dog his steps when he tried to serve the Lord. We all have this sin nature because we’ve chosen to sin (Romans 5:12). And every Christian knows the struggle Paul articulated.

I was taught that the sin nature died when we become Christians, but I now see this as error. Perhaps the best way to understand the matter is to realize the sin nature is under the condemnation of death, but the sentence won’t be carried out until we meet the Lord in heaven. Until then we wrestle, as did Paul, with bad choices in our lives. In other words, we want to be Superman, but we find more often we’re Clark Kent.

The same writer explained we must seek a fresh filling of God’s Holy Spirit each day (Ephesians 5:18). And at the same time, we step down from the throne, or control center, of our lives and ask the rightful sovereign to be enthroned there.

Edward VIII became king of England in January 1936. He fell in love with an American divorcee and wished to marry her. However, political and church leaders said this would be improper. Accordingly, Edward abdicated the throne in December and was named Duke of Windsor. He declared, “I must marry the woman I love.” He and Wallis Simpson lived happily for 35 years.

Christians must abdicate the throne of our lives daily, allowing Christ his rightful place as sovereign Lord of all.

Sola Scriptura

The National Day of Prayer this week reminds us to pray for America. The scripture exhorts us to “pray for all those in authority over us,” not just the ones for whom we voted (1 Timothy 2: 1-2) Every believer has a God-ordained responsibility to pray for our political leaders. In our state, we pray for our former governor as he reorders his life, and we pray for our current governor as she navigates a new path.

This year is the 227th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. It became the law of the land in 1790 when the final state, Rhode Island, voted approval. Our president makes one pledge to the people of the nation: to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Impeachment is effected when the president falls short of this Constitutional-mandated duty.

I learned recently that one U.S. president was buried with the Constitution! President Andrew Johnson asked that a copy of the document pillow his head as he lay in his coffin. Whereas this might be seen as a way to honor the document, historians believe he did this as a final thumb in the eye of Congressional Republicans who bedeviled his unhappy time in office!

It occurred to me that just as one singular document serves as the guide stone for the nation, one single document serves as the guide stone for the church. The reformers’ motto was “sola scriptura,” or “scripture alone.” No document, book or opinion takes superior position to the Bible in the Christian church.

In his second letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul told the young man that the “sacred writings” had shown him the way to salvation, and would continue to guide him in doctrine.

It’s certainly true that not all churches agree on doctrinal issues. Baptism is a case-in-point.

Last year the student pastor at Alabaster’s First Methodist Church phoned to ask about using our baptistery. He said some young people had professed faith and wished to be immersed. Of course we agreed, and I then had a little fun with him. “You can bring the whole church over to be baptized,” I said!

Our Methodist friends reciprocated recently when they loaned us their kneeler that we used in ordaining a Baptist deacon.

Whereas, Christian churches may not agree on every issue, we do agree on the major doctrines in scripture. When scripture is clear, there is no doubt. There is no confusion over lifestyles to avoid: we must not lie, cheat or hurt others. And there’s no confusion over lifestyles to emulate: we are to fill our lives with love, kindness and forgiveness.

The scripture points the way for all things God wishes us to be and to do.

God Has The Fried Chicken

I first heard the story years ago on Christian television when the
author, Bob Benson of Nashville Christian music fame, told it. He
called it the baloney sandwich story. And it's still a good one.

A man had to work half a day one Saturday and belatedly remembered the
church picnic was that afternoon at City Park. Since he lived alone
and didn't cook much, all he found in the refrigerator was a crinkled
piece of baloney and just enough mustard in the bottom of the jar to
get it all over his fingers as he fished it out with a knife. He put
the sandwich in a paper bag and set off for the picnic.

A large crowd gathered that day for the festivities. Families joined
in the three-legged race, the horseshoe toss and the traditional
softball game.

Later in the afternoon it was time to eat. The man found himself at a
table next to a family who'd brought a large picnic basket. As they
unpacked the basket, he saw fried chicken, potato salad, homemade
rolls, lemon meringue pie and what we Southerners call "sweet tea."
(The late Grady Nutt used to call this syrupy stuff "40 weight tea"!).

So there the man sat all alone with his baloney sandwich.

Sensing his plight, the family beckoned him to join their table.

"Let's put our food together and share," they said.

"Oh, no, I couldn't do that," he said.

But the family insisted there was plenty of fried chicken, potato
salad and rolls.

"And our family just loves baloney sandwiches," they said.

And so the man sat there eating like a king when he came like a pauper.

I told this story to a friend years ago who had a different take. He
began to use it to put pompous Christians in their place by saying,
"Hush! God doesn't need your baloney--he has the fried chicken!"

But actually the story is best used to describe what the Christian
life is all about. We come to Christ bringing what we have: hopes,
dreams, failures and sin. God comes to the relationship bringing what
he has and shares with us. And we're the better for this.

What does God bring to the table? He removes guilt by bringing
forgiveness of sin. He gives a new family. We join other forgiven
sinners--the church--who love and encourage us on our spiritual

And he also brings eternal life. Our greatest fear is death, but Jesus
is the pioneer of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He safely navigated the
valley of the shadow of death and now promises to be our guide when
death comes for us.

God Bless Our Senior Saints

I attended a conference last week at our Baptist assembly in Talladega. The weather was picture-perfect and it was a great several days of instruction and fellowship. An added bonus was the senior adult group that met last week also. We shared meals and were invited to their evening activities, including “Doo Wop Night.” It was a lot of fun singing the songs of our youth along with our entertainer.

Mr. Taylor, camp director, had a little fun with the group when he noted that though the seniors were a smaller group than the campers who met the week before, the seniors had the distinction of draining the ice cream machine every day!

It’s common in today’s churches to provide a children’s service apart from the adults, and youth services, too. Though I can understand the dynamics of worship tailored to an age group, I do lament the loss of corporate worship. Seniors are important in our churches since they serve to encourage the rest of us about God’s faithfulness.

We do commonly segregate ourselves in small group Bible study, and we do this purposely. Teachers are better able to tailor their remarks to specific age groups, and we have more focused outreach with age-grading. For example, we say to a class of 40-year-old men, “You share your faith with the world, but your special assignment is to share your faith with 40-year-old men.”

Seniors who have served the Lord for many years have stories to share with us about God’s leadership in their lives. This is what we miss when we segregate worship by decades.

The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” A more modern philosopher, the late TV preacher Rex Humbard, said the same thing in another way: “We sometimes understand the will of God better through the rear-view mirror.”

I’ve lived long enough to realize the truth of this in my life. I can recall a number of disappointments along the way, and my questioning of God’s plan. But with the passage of time I’ve seen he had a better plan, and the disappointing experiences helped me grow. As a mentor once told me, God doesn’t waste any experiences in our lives.

I know we sometimes roll our eyes when seniors tell stories again we’ve heard may times, but I hope they keep on telling their stories! We need to be reminded of God’s goodness, and learn to trust him as they have.

Seniors echo the triumphant word of King David, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” (Psalm 37:25, NIV).

A Friday To Remember

The wind in my face was bitterly cold in downtown Dallas a few years ago. My continuing education classes had ended at the seminary in nearby Ft. Worth, so the afternoon was free for some sightseeing.

A chill came over me independent of the temperature when I walked onto Dealey Plaza and saw firsthand those sights emblazoned in my memory: Elm Street, the triple overpass and the sixth floor window.

 I thought back to that terrible Friday in November, 1963. Our class had just returned from lunch when Mr. Vines, our principal, made an announcement on the intercom.

“Boys and girls,” he said, “some of you may’ve heard already that our president’s been shot. Let’s try to finish out the day in school and I’ll let you know the latest news when I hear more.”

Nevertheless, the senseless death of President Kennedy so paralyzed us that I don’t remember our doing much work in school that Friday afternoon. I remember being glued to the television throughout the weekend and during the funeral on Monday.

That Friday in November will live in the bad memory section of my brain forever.

This week the world remembers another bleak Friday on which Jesus of Nazareth was murdered.

His death was senseless, too, for he’d done no wrong. In fact, bribed witnesses had to be brought in to lie about him at his trial. One of the thieves who died with him realized Jesus' innocence: “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong" (Luke 23: 41).

British writer Richard Jefferies told of a little boy who gazed at a graphic painting of Calvary and exclaimed, “If God had been there, he wouldn’t have let them do it!”

But God was there! He wasn't removed from the event at Calvary. Paul insisted “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself" (2 Corinthians 5:19).

God was present at the cross, and he showed us that he loves us in spite of disobedience, that he offers forgiveness to all and that he wants to be our partner in building a life filled with hope.

God’s redemptive plan wasn’t completed on Friday. The Father was faithful to his son and raised him on the third day. Now God promises to welcome all his children on the other side of death.

In light of God’s ultimate plan we believers have renamed that awful Friday. 

We call it Good Friday. 

And so it is.

Is Conflict The Will of God? Part Two

I’ve read and preached about Paul and Silas singing praise to God at midnight in the Philippian jail for many years, but I had a new thought lately; namely, that it should’ve been Paul and Barnabas singing in jail. These men had been partners on Paul’s First Missionary Journey. When they determined to go again and visit the new churches, the men had what Dr. Luke called “a sharp contention” (Acts 15:39). Paul and Barnabas, as far as we know, never worked together again. 

Anytime sharp objects are around, people are liable to be hurt. I am living testimony to this fact. I have scars on two fingers due to handling sharp objects. Sharp contentions can do damage to people. And sharp contentions can do damage to churches.

Churches get conflicted over a variety of things.

I remember Betty who got very upset when we decided to remove two small rooms and enlarge our fellowship hall. Betty’s teacher was fine with moving her Sunday School class, but Betty angrily told me she thought she could never come back since we were removing the room where she met God. We know in our heart of hearts that a church is more than a building—a building can be destroyed but the church will live on. A Sunday School class is more than a room, too. But it’s always been interesting to me that Betty’s faith was room-centered!

Incidentally, we ended up using portable dividers and putting four classes in the enlarged room.

When churches face conflict, we must remember the priority of obedience to God and scripture, to be sure, but we must also underscore the priority of people. The church is in the people business. If we fail here, we’ve failed utterly.

Sometimes pastors joke about “blessed subtractions” rather than additions. They mean that some old codger moved to another church and the church he left is better off. I’ve never believed this. I believe everyone is valuable, and sincere believers can work out differences and remain family.

For seven years it was my privilege to stand in the pulpit of the First Baptist Church in Selma, Ala. I would look up to the balcony area and see two beautiful stained glass windows. One depicted Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He carried a lamb on his shoulders, reminding us that the Good Shepherd left the ninety and nine in search of the one who was lost. And the second window depicted the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. She was lonely and despised, but Jesus saw her as valuable to God and the kingdom.

There’s no question Jesus taught us to value every person. People are too valuable to discard.


Where Is God?

The ancient patriarch Job felt all alone in his suffering. He said, “Oh, that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat (Job 23: 2)!

I’ve heard people echo Job’s lament over the years. “Where is God when I need him?” or “God doesn’t hear my prayers!” or “What did I do to deserve this?” We’re human and forsakenness is a common emotion in our humanity. “Nobody knows the sorrow I’ve seen,” the old spiritual says.

But we find an interesting take from the apologist C. S. Lewis. He knew pain when his wife, Joy, died of cancer. In “A Grief Observed,” he wrote about his sorrow and his questioning of God. But he came to trust God once again and wrote some tantalizing words about pain: “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

The sufferings of life get our attention and make us see we’re not self-sufficient. We often feel so when things are going our way--when there’s health and money and all the attendant pleasures of life. But when we lose any of these things we’re reminded of our humanity and vulnerability to loss.

The apostle Paul knew pain as well. He called is a “thorn” in his body, but never explained what it was. My favorite theory is the stoning he received in Lystra where he was dragged out of the city and left for dead. Without emergency medical treatment we’re accustomed to, I can imagine he had internal organ damage and broken bones that never completely healed. Whatever his pain he cried out to God for its removal. It wasn’t removed, but he did get something from God: the promise of God’s presence and the promise of God’s grace.

This is why many faithful saints became so through suffering. Many of our hymn-writers wrote from personal pain, but also about the comfort they found in partnership with God. I’ve known many senior saints over the years who’ve wrestled with pain, but who, nonetheless, have developed an unshakeable confidence in the goodness of the Lord.

Scripture asserts that no one of us is truly forsaken despite our feelings that we are. The psalm writer said, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

Some of our pain is inexplicable this side of heaven, and we’re promised an accounting one day. Until then, we’re exhorted to trust in the goodness of God and his ultimate plan of fulfillment in our lives.

He is not an absentee deity!

Is Conflict In The Church The Will Of God?

Most Bible readers know the story of Paul and Silas singing praises to the Lord in their Philippian jail cell at midnight (Acts 16). Pastors and other Bible teachers use this story to illustrate the difference Christ makes in our hearts and minds despite the adverse circumstances we sometimes face in our lives.  

An inmate told me once about the screams of “newbies” on the first night of incarceration as they felt the full weight of what they faced over the next years. But I’ve heard something entirely different in prison chapels when inmates with renewed hope praise God in worship.

But one thing we often overlook is that Silas was an “accidental tourist,” to borrow a movie title from several years ago. He probably never dreamed about the adventures he’d have as a companion to the greatest missionary who ever lived.

The Antioch church sent Paul and Barnabas on a Mediterranean mission that we remember as Paul’s First Missionary Journey. John Mark, a relative of Barnabas, accompanied these two gospel warhorses for a time. Then he decided to go home in midstream. The two missionaries faced disagreement when they determined to go again and encourage the new churches. Barnabas wanted to give Mark another chance, while Paul believed him to be unreliable. Accordingly, Barnabas took Mark with him and Paul took a new partner, Silas.

If two great leaders like Paul and Barnabas had conflict, it’s no wonder modern Christians sometimes face disagreement, too.

But is conflict the will of God? Some argue that this disagreement resulted in two mission trips and this was good. Others insist if the two men had worked out their differences it would’ve been much better.

I’ve known several congregations over the years that have parted ways due to conflict. One church did so when a majority of the members voted to ask a former pastor to return, but a sizable minority thought the church needed new leadership. The majority group, however, fell short of the mandate required in the by-laws, so the motion failed. Those who voted to ask the minister to return formed a new church with him as their pastor! The mother church was left behind, hurt and wounded.

We know the God of the Bible specializes in turning our failures into successes, and he can and does bless work founded on less than optimum circumstances. But I've always believed there is a better way to do God's work. If Paul and Barnabas had agreed to disagree, but nevertheless supported and prayed for the other's work, the outcome would've been better.

God is pleased when his people live together in harmony while serving him.



Two Great Questions

Most presidential campaigns have moments of humor, but the campaign of 2016 was tops in every regard! If it weren’t for the seriousness of the task, choosing a Commander-in-Chief, we’d have tuned in every day just for stress relief.

Many of us remember another moment of levity in 1992. Texas businessman H. Ross Perot threw his hat into the presidential ring and selected Admiral James Stockdale as his running mate. The vice-presidential debate was on Oct. 13 at Georgia Tech University. Right out of the chute, Stockdale’s first words to the nation were: “Who am I? Why am I here?” He became fodder for late-night comics for many months to come.

This caricature of Admiral Stockdale is unfortunate since he was a decorated Naval officer, a Vietnam veteran and a former POW.

But his two questions are good ones for followers of Christ.

Who am I?

As a Christian, I am a minister in the church of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul makes this very clear in Ephesians 4: 12. He said that the pastor’s job is to mature the saints for the work of ministry. Every Christian is a minister, or servant, and every Christian must busy himself or herself in the work of the Lord. Our ministries are varied, but each has significance.

I think it’s unfortunate we often categorize laypeople as being somewhat less in the pecking order than the vocational minister. Paul likens Christians to parts of a body, and insisted the body is impaired if one or more body parts refuses to function. I’ve often told congregations that the validity of ministry is never determined by the spotlight. Some ministry is very public, but most is outside the view of the masses. This doesn’t make such ministry any less valid.

Why am I here?

This question is more esoteric than the first. Why was I born in America and in the deep South in the year I was? It’s the stuff of science fiction when people travel back in time, or forward in time, and consider how their lives would’ve been different had they lived in that era. Believers affirm that our lives aren’t results of chance. God, the giver of life and the foundation of all wisdom, determined in some way that we be placed where we are in the era we’re born to fulfill a noble purpose. As Mordecai told Queen Esther so long ago, “Who knows that you’ve come to royalty for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).

God placed us where we are because he knew it was the best time and place for our lives to have purpose.

Admiral Stockdale’s questions are good ones for us to ponder.